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Our “Smart lipo”, and body sculpting device is an FDA-approved, noninvasive laser and light therapy treatment that destroys stubborn fat cells to tighten skin without surgery or downtime. “WarmSculpting”, commonly referred to as IFR-LLLT, is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that uses hyperthermic lasers and IRT to eliminate stubborn, unwanted, fat tissue and tighten skin. This wavelengths based technology has a high affinity for subcutaneous adipose tissue. The laser raises the temperature of adipose cells between 42° and 47°C, damaging their structural integrity.
Over the next three months, the body naturally eliminates the disrupted fat cells. Disrupted fat cells are permanently eliminated from the body and will not regenerate. Our non-invasive fat reduction technology has been clinically proven to reduce the number of fat cells in the treated area in just 20 minutes.
It is an excellent way to achieve smooth, tight, younger-looking skin without incisions or anesthesia. It reduces stubborn fat pockets in your:
-Love handles
-Upper arms
-Under the chin
Our device is among the leading contouring treatments that deliver swift and tangible fat reduction results. With no need for surgery and other invasive procedures, This IR laser fat removal is your go-to option if you’re looking for convenient “walk-in and “walk-out” therapies.
After the laser treatment, the fat cells become liquified, and your body’s immune system will do the rest of the heavy lifting by removing the dead cells a few weeks later. This process won’t damage your skin at all, and the results of the treatments will become obviously visible within 3 months following your treatments.
-20 minutes per treatment
-No surgery, No downtime
-Natural-looking results
-Customizable treatments for a -variety of body shapes.
To maximize the results we combined the treatment with the RF - Radio-frequency Medical Device that has 3 clinically proven powerful Fat-reducing and skin-tightening technologies: RF/PB/PhotonLT. They work in synergy to iron away stubborn fat, stretch marks, saggy skin, and wrinkles while strengthening & toning your muscles.
The acronym “LASER” stands for Light (photons) Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is the best and most widely accepted descriptor of the type of lasers used in rehabilitation. The instrument itself is considered a “therapeutic laser”. LLLT has historically been classified as a non-thermal modality. Non-thermal modalities are those physical agents that do not raise the subcutaneous tissue temperature greater than 36.5oC. Therefore the therapeutic effects of LLLT are not associated with a heating response, but rather a photochemical response. When light (photons) enters the cell, certain molecules called chromophores react to it, and trigger a photochemical reaction that leads to desirable physiologic effects. LLLT is simply another form of energy (physical agent) that can be used to create physiological changes in tissue.
Classification of Lasers.
Some of the confusion regarding LLLT is associated with the wide spread use of lasers in medicine and industry. There are a wide range of applications for laser technology in industry and medicine. Laser devices are classified based on their power output, measured in millliwatts (mW), and their relative risk for causing biological damage (most notably retinal damage when the eye is directly exposed to the beam). The 5 classes of laser are 1, 2, 3A, 3B, and 4. They are listed in order of increasing power and risk for biological damage
LLLT devices are generally classified as class 2, 3a and 3b laser devices.
Brief History of the Development of Laser.
Albert Einstein is credited with providing the basic science and theory necessary for the development of laser. It was not until 1960 that the first laser was developed in the United States by a physicist named Theodore Maiman.2 As will be discussed later, all laser devices require an active medium; Maiman used a ruby crystal as the amplifying medium within the lasing chamber to produce the “ruby laser”. The ruby laser emits visible red light. In the 60’s and 70’s a Hungarian physician named Endre Mester experimented with using the ruby laser (red light) to destroy implanted tumors in laboratory rats. At the time, Mester believed that the ruby laser was a ”high powered, tissue destroying laser” . He was not able to destroy tumors in his experiments; however, the research did lead to an important discovery. Mester observed that the surgical incisions in the group of rats that received laser consistently healed faster than the control group that was not treated with laser.3 This lead Mester to refocus his research agenda on the application of LLLT for the acceleration of tissue healing. His research went on to show faster healing of experimental skin defects, diabetic skin ulcers, venous insufficiency ulcers, and bedsores. Endre Mester is credited with the discovery that LLLT can accelerate soft tissue healing. He is often referred to as the “father of low level laser therapy.
Production of Therapeutic Light.
How is the light energy produced and emitted from the laser applicator? This first step in understanding this process is to identify the 4 components of a laser and the role of each in the production of laser energy. There are 4 main components to a laser
1) Laser Chamber
The laser chamber is also known as an optical resonance cavity. The chamber is a tube that has mirrors on both ends. The end that the laser beam emits from is semipermeable compared to the other end which is totally reflective. The laser chamber houses the lasing medium.
2) Lasing Medium
Laser devices utilize what is known as a lasing medium within the lasing chamber. It is the excitation of the atoms within this lasing medium that allows for amplification of light. There are a variety of lasing media that can be used for LLLT applications. The earlier generations of laser devices used media such as the ruby crystal, Helium–Neon (HeNe), and Gallium –Arsenide (GaAs). The type of lasing medium is significant in that its properties determine the laser’s wavelength. Wavelength is an important factor for the appropriate application of LLLT. The definition and clinical relevance of wavelength will be discussed later.
3) Pumping system (energy input to the laser)
Contemporary lasers use semiconductor technology and commonly use Gallium AlumInum-Arsenide (GaAlAs) as the lasing media. There are several advantages to this newer technology; for instance, manufacturers are able to customize laser applicators to a specific wavelength by modifying the ratio of gallium and aluminum in the medium. In addition, GaAlAs lasers typically have higher power outputs which translate into shorter treatment times.
The purpose of the pumping system is to supply energy input into the lasing medium within the chamber. When the power source (electricity or battery) applies energy into the lasing medium, the atoms within the medium are stimulated within the enclosed lasing chamber. It is this pumping up of the medium inside the enclosed chamber that stimulates its atoms to an excited state. In an excited-state atom, one of the electrons is temporarily promoted to a higher energy level. Movement of the majority of atoms to their excited state is known as population inversion. As the electrons return to lower energy levels, light energy (expressed in photons) is released. Exactly one photon is emitted for each electron that returns to the lower energy level. The collision of photons with excited atoms causes a domino effect in which more and more photons are released. This process is referred to as stimulated emission. Light amplification is facilitated by the use of mirrors on each end of the lasing chamber. The photons are reflected back and forth within the chamber (“ping-pong” effect), resulting in more collisions with excited-state atoms, more stimulated emission events and a greatly increased number of photons. When the concentration of photons is sufficiently high, light is emitted through the semipermeable miirror at one end of the chamber. This emitted light is the laser beam.
4) Applicator (laser probe)
The laser applicator, also sometimes referred to as a probe, is used to direct the photons (light energy) into the patient. Contemporary laser applicators look similar to therapeutic ultrasound applicators and many have an activation switch to initiate the dose of laser energy that the practitioner set within the device. In the early years of LLLT single diode applicators where the standard. Eventually cluster applicators where developed to treat larger areas more efficiently and also to facilitate adding other non-laser light therapy products such as superluminous diodes (SLDs) and light emitting diodes (LEDs) into the laser applicator.
A laser beam is essentially a beam of light. While regular white light from a light bulb scatters light of multiple wavelengths in multiple directions, laser light is a very concentrated beam of light of a single wavelength (monochromatic), with all light waves aimed in a single direction (collimated) and all in phase with each other (coherence).
Electromagnetic Spectrum
LLLT is simply another form of energy that is applied to human tissue to stimulate a physiologic response. Similar to many other therapeutic modalities it resides on the electromagnetic spectrum. Therapeutic modalities are arranged on the electromagnetic spectrum based on their wavelength and frequency. The wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional. Simply put, this means that the longer wavelengths have a lower frequency and the shorter wavelengths have a higher frequency.
More on Wavelengths
Wavelengths between approximately 600 -1000 nanometers (nm) are commonly used for the application of LLLT in rehabilitation. It is clear that the shorter wavelengths in the 400-700 nm fall into the Visible Light Range. The colors of light within this range have historically been recalled using the Pneumonic ROY-G-BIV (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet). Wavelengths in the 700-1000 nm range fall into the Infrared Range. The infrared range is not visible to the human eye. The eye does not have a protective blink response to wavelengths in the infrared range, which could put the unprotected eye at risk for retinal damage should the laser beam be inadvertently directed toward the eye. It is the characteristics of the lasing medium that dictate the wavelength and by definition the color of a laser beam. For example the laser device that Endre Mester used in his early wound healing research was a ruby laser. The wavelength of this early laser device was 694.3 nm.3 This wavelength produces red light and was found to be effective for superficial soft tissue healing such as skin wounds for example.
Low level laser Therapy (LLLT) devices
These devices have at least one true laser diode and, therefore have the capacity to emit a monochromatic, collimated, and coherent light beam. Clinically, it is believed to be the light source of choice to treat deeper lying tissue. The laser property of collimation allows the laser beam to maintain a small spot size (less divergence) over greater distance.
For example RED cluster applicator includes a total of 25 diodes (9 SLDs, 4 LEDs, and 5 laser diodes). It uses 940-1000 (nm) wavelengths. Wavelength is the distance between two peaks of a wave. The shorter wavelengths used in LLLT are considered to be those in the approximate range of 620-695 range (visible light). Two classic examples of lasers with short wavelengths include the Helium-Neon (HeNe) laser which has a wavelength of 632.8 nm and the ruby laser with a wavelength of 694.3 nm. Both of these lasers emit red light and are typically lower powered lasers compared to contemporary LLLT devices. Although these lasers are less commonly used in contemporary practice, much of the early research was done using these types of LLLT devices. The depth of penetration of these shorter wavelength devices is up to 1 centimeter. The longer wavelengths used in LLLT are considered to be those in the approximate range of 760 – 1000 nm. The power of the LLLT device is measured in milliwatts (mW). It is typically preset in the device. The power output is labeled on the device, it can commonly be found on the co- axial cable leading to the applicator or on the applicator itself. As discussed in the first module, the LLLT devices typically utilize power of less than 500 mW. The higher power levels in new generation LLLT devices decrease necessary treatment time, and enhance the depth of penetration.
As with other therapeutic modalities such as therapeutic ultrasound and shortwave diathermy the power can be delivered in continuous or pulsed mode. The power can be decreased by pulsing the laser beam. Selecting a duty cycle that pulses the laser beam will decrease the net power (mW) delivered.
Power Density
Power density describes the average power per unit area of the beam (spot size). It is measured in W/cm2 or mW/cm2 . This unit of measurement is familiar since it is used in ultrasound therapy. The power density is determined by dividing the power level of the laser by the area of the beam (spot size). Keep in mind that the area of the beam is fixed. Smaller beam areas will result in a higher power density because the light is concentrated over a smaller area.
Energy (Joules)
Energy is the power multiplied by the treatment time. It is measured in Joules (J). It is important to remember that the amount of energy delivered in Joules does not account for the area of the laser beam or the area of the surfaces being treated. This is why it is not the preferred method of measuring the dose of LLLT delivered in patient care.
Energy Density (Dosage) Joules/ cm2
Energy density is a unit of measurement that describes the amount of energy delivered per unit area. It is measured in Joules/cm2 . This is the preferred method of dosing LLLT. It represents the actual amount of energy delivered to each cm2 of the treatment area.
Pulsed output Mode
The power on most LLLT devices can be periodically interrupted for a very brief period on time. This is called “pulsing”. When pulsed mode is used the average power delivered will decrease proportional to the pulse frequency that is selected. Setting the pulse frequency determine the number of laser pulses delivered per second during a pulsed LLLT treatment. Pulse frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz). When a low pulse frequency is selected the pause between laser pulses is greater so less power is delivered. When high pulse frequencies are selected there is less of a pause between laser pulses e.g. it is closer to continuous output. The term average (or mean) power is used to describe the net power delivered after factoring for both the on and off time of the beam.
“Pulsing” is a familiar concept in therapeutic modalities. Both therapeutic ultrasound and short wave diathermy have pulsed mode options. In those modalities it is intended to minimize the heating effect and while capturing the non-thermal tissue healing properties. Since LLLT is defined as a nonthermal modality the rational of minimizing thermal effects can not be used. Optimal pulsed LLLT frequencies for clinical application in the treatment of specific conditions and tissues have yet to be established in the research. There is a limited understanding of the physiologic relationship of using one pulse frequency over another during clinical applications. From a molecular biology standpoint, there is some evidence that specific pulsing frequencies may have a positive effect on macrophage responsiveness. 14 Additional research is necessary in this area. It has been theorized that acute injuries should be treated with low pulse frequencies (<100 Hz)1, subacute injuries with higher pulse frequencies, and chronic conditions should be treated with continuous mode. There is some evidence in the molecular biology LLLT research that specific pulsing frequencies may have a positive effect on macrophage responsiveness. 14 There is also some support in the LLLT animal research. Dyson and young found better wound healing of surgical skin lesions in mice with a 700 Hz infrared pulse (HeNe 632.8 nm) when compared to a 1200 Hz pulse frequency.
Physiologic Effects of LLT Related to Tissue Healing Acceleration of tissue healing.
• Acceleration of inflammatory phase of healing allowing for earlier initiation of the proliferative phase of tissue healing
• Stimulates increased fibroblastic activity leading to increased collagen synthesis
• Increases protein synthesis
• Promotes revascularization of wounds
• Enhances the production of type I and type III procollagen mRNA30
• Increased tensile strength of collagen
• Increased ATP production as a result of absorption of photons by chromophores. Enhanced ATP production fuels the metabolic pathways necessary to synthesize DNA, RNA, and proteins for tissue repair.
• Stimulation of macrophages, fibroblasts, and lymphocyte activity are biological processes that are activated through the application of LLLT
These biological processes are essential to the tissue healing process.
There is support for the commonly held assertion that LLLT increases microcirculation. The extent of these increases of microcirculation has not been completely established. However, it is likely that small, but clinically significant increases in the perfusion blood to healing tissue occur during LLLT treatments. Tuner and Hode refer to this as increased microscopic circulation to differentiate this subtle increase in blood flow from the more substantial increase in blood flow produced by heating modalities. Physiologic Effects of LLLT Related to Pain Modulation Pain reduction (analgesia). The exact mechanisms involved in pain reduction through the application of LLLT continue to be investigated. The photochemical stimulation of endogenous opiates33, nitric oxide34, and serotonin35 has been reported in the literature as plausible mechanisms. Low level laser therapy has also been shown to modulate prostaglandin levels which may lead to a decrease in the chemical inflammatory mediators that irritate free nerve endings.36 Lastly, as with many therapeutic modalities LLLT has been shown, in some instances, to alter nerve conduction velocities, leading some researchers to conclude that there is a possible gating mechanism involved (gate control theory).2 It is likely that a combination of two or more of the above physiologic mechanisms are involved in the reduction of pain associated with the application of LLLT.
Physiologic Effects of LLLT Related to Anti-inflammatory properties Decreased Inflammation36 It has been theorized for some time that LLLT has anti-inflammatory properties. A 2006 study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine confirmed this commonly held assertion with in vivo data to support the claim that LLLT suppresses inflammation. In this study Bjordal et al reported a decrease in prostaglandin levels and pain in the Achilles tendon of subjects with Achilles tendonitis.
Low level Laser Therapy has a photobiomodulation effect in tissue. Simply put, this means that a photochemical reaction is responsible for the physiologic effects of LLLT. This reaction can cause either photobiostimulation or photobioinhibition depending on the dosage of LLLT applied to tissue. Lower dosages are associated with photobiostimulation and higher doses are associated with photobioinhibition.
The food and drug administration (FDA) has evaluated and cleared several LLLT devices for the following conditions
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Neck and shoulder pain of musculoskeletal origin In addition, the FDA has cleared the use of Infrared light for: Increase in local circulation
Relief of minor muscle and joint aches
Pain and stiffness
Relaxation of Muscles
Muscle Spasms
Minor pain and stiffness associated with arthritis
Low level laser therapy research studies have indicated that it is likely to be beneficial in the following:
Wound healing (diabetic ulcers, venous ulcers, bedsores)
Musculoskeletal conditions (tendon, ligament, and muscle injuries)
Trigger points Inflammatory conditions (tendonitis, bursitis, arthritis)
Acute pain
Chronic Pain
Chronic joint disorders
Neuralgia (nerve pain)
Diabetic Neuropathy
Contraindications :
• Cancer (tumors or cancerous areas)
• Direct irradiation of the eyes
• Photophobia or abnormally high sensitivity to light
• When using photosensitizing medication
• Direct irradiation over the fetus or the uterus during pregnancy
• Direct irradiation over the thyroid gland
• Over hemorrhaging lesions
Application Technique
The skin should be cleaned with alcohol prior to treatment. It is important to note that no coupling media is used during the delivery of LLLT (e.g. no lotions, gels, or ointments should be between the applicator and the patient’s skin). A stationary technique should be used. This allows for the best transfer of energy. Maintaining firm direct contact with the intact skin to increase depth of penetration.
How to Use RED DEVICE:
▶ Step One: Before beginning treatment, ensure that the device is fully charged. To ensure the device is fully charged, charge the device overnight or for 6 hours uninterrupted.
▶Step Two: Face should be clean and dry before beginning treatment; do not apply lotion or other products to the skin prior to treatment.
▶Step Three: Turn the device on, and the treatment head of the device will begin to heat up. The device uses a smart sensor which only activates the treatment head when in contact with the skin. Apply light pressure to the skin using small circular motions. (you can also glide it upwards, always pulling skin up)
▶Step Four: Continue treatment in this manner for three to five minutes on each area: below the eyes from cheek to chin, forehead, and neck. Making sure to avoid the eyelids.
▶Step Five: After each session, it’s recommended that you apply a small amount of moisturizing cream to the treated areas. Clean the device after each use with a rubbing alcohol cloth or paper towel. Do not wash the device or allow too much moisture to penetrate the interior of the unit. For best results, repeat these steps three times a week during the first month, and then once a month after that, as needed for pain as well.
Arthritis is the most common cause of disability in the United States according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and affects nearly 19 million adults.¹ Arthritis is a broad category that covers over 100 different manifestations. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are common and well known. There is also childhood, general, gouty arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosis. Fibromyalgia is also considered a rheumatoid condition.
Commonly occurring symptoms in-clude pain, aching, stiffness, and swelling in or around the joints. Some forms of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, can affect multiple organs and cause widespread symptoms. Arthritis is more common in adults age 65 and over but occurs in all age groups. Nearly two out of three of the people with arthritis are younger than 65. Women have an incidence of 24.4% and men 18.1% in all age groups. It affects all races and ethnic groups.
Laser therapy can be an effective adjunctive therapy in the management of arthritis as demonstrated by the following studies:
Biochemical Response to Low Level Laser Therapy
Laser-related research has demonstrated a number of interesting bio-chemical responses that can have a positive clinical effect. These effects include:
Research in laser and light therapy has documented that red and near-infrared light reduces pain by a combination of these responses:
A comprehensive clinical approach when utilizing therapeutic laser should activate all three of the observed effects of RED laser therapy. They are primary, secondary, and tertiary effects and are summarized below: Primary effects are due to photoreception—the direct interaction of photons with cytochromes—and are very pre-dictable and unique to phototherapy. Photoreception is generally followed by transduction, amplification, and photo-response. The latter can be classified as either secondary or tertiary.
Secondary effects occur in the same cell in which photons produced the primary effects and are induced by these primary effects. Secondary effects include cell proliferation, protein synthesis, degranulation, growth factor secretion, myofibroblast contraction and neurotransmitter modification—depending on the cell type and its sensitivity. Secondary effects can be initiated by other stimuli as well as light.
Tertiary effects are the indirect responses of distant cells to changes in cells that have interacted directly with photons. They are the least predictable because they are dependent on both variable environmental factors and intercellular interactions. They are, however, the most clinically significant. Tertiary effects include all the systemic effects of phototherapy. Primary, secondary, and tertiary events summate to produce phototherapeutic activity.
There are several different treatment techniques commonly used when utilizing therapeutic lasers.
The first technique is tissue saturation. As the name implies, this involves utilizing a stationary contact over the target tissue long enough to obtain an optimal therapeutic dose.
The second technique is to stimulate lymphatic system and the vascular system. This is accomplished by moving the emitter in small circular motions over the treatment site.
Lymphatic photobiostimulation for the neck is usually applied ever the scalene nodes. Treating over the thoracic and/or lymphatic ducts are also common sites of laser biostimulation.
The third technique is to stimulate body, ear, or hand acupoints. This also has a tertiary effect on the body in that stimulating the meridian pathway will cause global responses.
Applying RED laser therapy to the arthritis patient by using a combination of the techniques mentioned above can provide considerable relief in many cases. Arthritis is often a systemic condition. It is important to assess each individual and treat several areas, if necessary. The laser treatment schedule should be individualized to the patient. It usually consists of a course of three to five applications per week for three to four weeks. A two to three week rest should be completed before repeating the treatment course. It is important to initiate the therapy with shortened treatment times and gradually increase to a full dose. This will minimize the likelihood of the patient experiencing a significant pro-inflammatory response following the first couple of treatments.
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a complex disease caused by numerous environmental factors, such as stress from various types of environmental pollution, immunological factors, including increased serum immunoglobulin-E (IgE) levels and imbalance between T helper type 1 (Th1) and Th2 cells, and genetic factors. Th2 cells secrete cytokines, including interleukin (IL)-4, IL-5, IL-6, and IL-10, and are therefore involved in humoral immunity, while Th1 cells secrete interferon (IFN)-γ and IL-2, which are involved in cellular immunity. In AD, the levels of IL-4, IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) tend to increase, whereas IFN-γ level tends to decrease. Furthermore, the number of Langerhans cells and activation of mast cells are increased in AD.
The main treatments for AD include local steroids, antihistamine creams and immunomodulators. Furthermore, IFN-γ-based drugs and immunosuppressants are typically administered. However, previous studies have focused on phototherapy, including UV phototherapy and infrared light emitting diode therapy.
Low-level laser (LLL) therapy (LLLT), which is a method using phototherapy, uses low power (≤500 mW) and produces minimal heat. Its therapeutic effect is mainly driven by the stimulation of cells with photo-energy. In addition, unlike sunlight, LLLT has a narrow wavelength bandwidth, allowing emission from a specific light source to be directed onto a focused and localized area. This technique is therefore effective for the treatment of a specific area.
The effects of LLLT in human tissues are mainly driven by the absorption of energy by specific photoreceptors, such as porphyrin and cytochrome c oxidase. Absorption of energy by these receptors promotes intracellular oxygen synthesis, mitochondrial ATP synthesis, chemiosmosis, DNA replication and infiltration of Ca2+ into the cell cytoplasm. These effects subsequently promote cell proliferation and migration, increase tissue oxygenation and control cytokine concentration, growth factors and inflammation. Furthermore, LLLT treatment increases blood flow to regenerate tissues, provides tension to the skin by promoting collagen production by fibroblasts, promotes cell division to stimulate cell growth, promotes bone regeneration and rearrangement, corrects abnormal hormones level and reduces pain. Based on these effects, numerous studies have reported that laser therapy displays some positive effects on several musculoskeletal diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, post-herpetic neuralgia, pain, inflammation, edema, cut wounds, nerve damage and neural regeneration.
Previous studies have examined the use of laser therapy in the treatment of AD. However, these studies used different types of laser and dosages and only demonstrated that laser therapy is clinically effective against AD. To the best of our knowledge, only few studies have thoroughly assessed the underlying mechanism of laser therapy therapeutic effect and suggested an optimal dosage.
The present study shown the effects of LLLT on AD using clinical skin severity testing, scratch testing, total serum IgE and IL-4 level evaluation, as well as examined the gene expression of various cytokines (IL-4, IL-6, TNF-α, IFN-γ), epidermal thickness and mast cell counts.
In addition, Photobiomodulation (PBM) using low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a treatment that is increasingly used in oncology. Studies reported enhancement of wound healing with reduction in pain, tissue swelling and inflammatory conditions such as radiation dermatitis, oral mucositis, and lymphedema. However, factors such as wavelength, energy density and irradiation frequency influence the cellular mechanisms of LLLT. Moreover, the effects of LLLT vary according to cell types. Thus, controversy arose as a result of poor clinical response reported in some studies that may have used inadequately planned treatment protocols. Since LLLT may enhance tumor cell proliferation, these will also need to be considered before clinical use. This review aims to summarize the current knowledge of the cellular mechanisms of LLLT by considering its effects on cell proliferation, metabolism, angiogenesis, apoptosis and inflammation. With a better understanding of the cellular mechanisms, bridging findings from laboratory studies to clinical application can be improved.
Influence of LLLT at Cellular Level
Photobiomodulation (PBM) describes the changes in cellular activity and transformation in response to irradiation with light under certain conditions. Phototherapy with ultraviolet light has been used for many years in the treatment of psoriasis or neonatal jaundice. Recently, with wider availability of instruments, PBM using low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has provided an exciting new frontier in the management of wound healing, pain, tissue swelling and particularly for oncology, the inflammatory conditions such as radiation dermatitis (RD), oral mucositis (OM) and lymphedema (LE).
RD and OM are well documented complications of radiotherapy (RT) for which management had been limited to only supportive treatments in the past. LE is caused by disruption to the lymphatics as a result of lymph node dissection during surgery or RT in breast or head and neck cancer patients. Recent studies suggest that PBM using LLLT is effective in preventing or mitigating these complications by preconditioning the cells to reduce inflammation and promote tissue healing. This is a relatively novel treatment modality for which the cellular mechanisms are poorly understood, but is crucial for consideration before its routine application in oncology patients.
Several laboratory studies have reported the effects of LLLT on cell proliferation, metabolism, angiogenesis, apoptosis, and inflammation. Unlike pharmaceutical agents, LLLT involves a wide range of parameters in terms of laser properties and dosage which has been shown to be important for the effects to occur. Underdosage results in poor cellular response but overdosage may paradoxically inhibit cell proliferation or induce apoptosis. These cellular responses also appear to be specific for the tissue type. Moreover, Hamblin et al. have reported that these cellular responses were also observed in some types of tumor cells that were irradiated, implying that tumor growth may possibly be enhanced. Thus, it is important that the cellular effects of LLLT are better understood and considered before the formulation of clinical treatment protocols for its use in oncology patients.
This review aims to summarize the current evidence for the effects and mechanisms of LLLT at cellular level. Particularly, the effects of LLLT induced changes in normal and tumor cells will be discussed, so that the transition from laboratory findings to clinical practice can be safely implemented for oncology patients.
The incidence of atopic dermatitis (AD) has recently increased due to various factors. Its prevalence is higher among children and teenagers than in other age groups. Numerous methods to treat AD are available, including light ray therapy, which has been proposed as an alternative therapy for the treatment of AD. The present study aimed to evaluate the curative mechanism and optimal energy level of energy irradiation from a low-level laser (LLL) toward AD. AD was induced in BALB/c mice with dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) solution. The mice were divided into six groups, including one normal control (n=8), one AD control (n=10) and four AD experimental groups with LLL irradiation at 2 J/cm2(n=10), 4 J/cm2 (n=10), 6 J/cm2 (n=9) and 8 J/cm2 (n=10). Following AD induction, an LLL was applied to the four AD experimental groups for 2, 4, 6, and 8 min, for two weeks (14 times in total) at a wavelength of 650 nm and an output of 50 mW. The effects of irradiation on AD were evaluated using a scratch test, a clinical skin severity test, immunoglobulin-E (IgE) analysis and measurements of numerous cytokine levels, including interleukin (IL)-4, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, and interferon-γ (IFN-γ), tissue thickness and mast cell count. The results demonstrated that serum IgE level in all irradiated groups was significantly decreased compared with that of the AD control group, and IL-4 level was significantly decreased in all irradiated groups apart from the 8 J/cm2 LLL irradiated group. IL-6 and TNF-α levels were also significantly decreased in all irradiated groups. The results from histological analysis revealed diminished epidermal thickness and mast cell counts in irradiated mice compared with those mice in the AD control group. In summary, these findings suggested that LLL irradiation may alleviate symptoms of AD and may be useful for restoring cytokines levels and tissues features to normal levels.
Laser therapy treatment is painless and non-invasive procedure that promotes the natural healing of the body. Sessions range anywhere from 4 - 15 minutes. If you're looking for other options besides drugs or surgery, laser therapy might be a great option for you.
Photobiomodulation therapy or PBMt therapy is a wellness modality that uses non-ionizing light sources in the visible and infrared spectrum (lasers, LEDs, and broadband light).
As people age, the layers of skin start to change too. The epidermis layer starts to weaken, and wrinkles appear, typically around the eyes (Crows Feet), neck (Venus Rings), lip, forehead (both horizontal and vertical), and chest. RED Laser treatment can rejuvenate the collagen to help return that youthful glow and reduce aging signs by diminishing wrinkles’ appearance.
Studies have shown that when tissue cultures are irradiated by lasers, enzymes within cells absorb energy from laser light. Visible red light and near infrared (NIR) are absorbed within the mitochondria and the cell membrane. This produces higher ATP levels and boosts DNA production, leading to an increase in cellular health and energy.
When applied as treatment, lasers have been shown to reduce pain and inflammation as well as stimulate nerve regeneration, muscle relaxation, and immune system response. Lasers have no effect on normal tissues because photons of light are only absorbed and utilized by the cells that need them.
Photobiomodulation therapy has beneficial therapeutic outcomes for the promotion of wound healing, tissue regeneration, and alleviation of pain. Photobiomodulation is used by healthy people as well for improving cognition, skincare, recovery after competition or intense training, and preconditioning.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a condition that can not only be very painful but can seriously impact your hand strength and your normal grip as well. It is usually associated with repetitive motions, often a job-related function that must be performed repeatedly throughout the day. In the past, treatment options were limited to pain medications or surgery.
Recently, a very appealing option has emerged that does far more than mask your pain for a few hours and doesn’t require any kind of invasive surgery. Advanced laser therapy is quickly becoming an ideal treatment approach for people who suffer from CTS and would like to be free of the pain and inconvenience.
Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Repetitive hand movements and overused muscles, ligaments, and tendons throughout the arm and hand are quite often the culprits for developing CTS. Something as simple as constantly turning a screwdriver or some other hand tool could easily lead to CTS if performed repeatedly. Youngsters might develop CTS from using a game controller for hours on end while playing video games. There are other causes as well.
For example, if you have a family history of CTS, you may be genetically predisposed to developing the condition yourself. People who have bone disease or arthritis might also be subject to developing CTS. It’s possible to go through major hormonal changes in your body, which leave you suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. You could also develop the condition because of a simple wrist injury that worsens over a period of time, and leaves CTS in its wake.
How laser therapy can provide relief
Rather than masking your pain as medications do, advanced laser therapy can promote nerve regeneration, to help banish the condition over the long term. Low-level laser therapy reduces the inflammation in the hands and wrists, relieves pain associated with the condition, and stimulates the healing of tissue that has been damaged.
One of the amazing capabilities of laser therapy is that it can help the body to regenerate nerves, by stimulating the natural body processes that are responsible for nerve regeneration. Specific light wavelengths penetrate deep into body tissue to generate nerve growth factors, and it provides a boost to the natural slow-moving healing process. Once nerves are healed, communication is restored between the hands and the brain, and that helps alleviate your symptoms.
Low-power laser therapy has been used for the non-surgical treatment of mild to moderate carpal tunnel syndrome, although its efficacy has been a long-standing controversy. The laser parameters in low-power laser therapy are closely related to the laser effect on human tissue. To evaluate the efficacy of low-power laser therapy, laser parameters should be accurately measured and controlled, which has been ignored in previous clinical trials. Here, we report the measurement of the effective optical power of low-power laser therapy for carpal tunnel syndrome. By monitoring the backside reflection and scattering laser power from human skin at the wrist, the effective laser power can be inferred. Using clinical measurements from 30 cases, we found that the effective laser power differed significantly among cases, with the measured laser reflection coefficient ranging from 1.8% to 54%. The reflection coefficient for 36.7% of these 30 cases was in the range of 10–20%, but for 16.7% of cases, it was higher than 40%. Consequently, monitoring the effective optical power during laser irradiation is necessary for the laser therapy of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Laser beams can be used to induce biological stimulation, promote cell regeneration, improve blood circulation, diminish inflammation, relieve pain, and regulate immune functions. Short wavelength laser beams (e.g., 650 nm) can be used to induce pathological changes in superficial tissues, while infrared laser beams (e.g., 810 nm) have a better penetration into the skin, fat and muscle tissues as well as bone tissues, and therefore can be used for the treatment of deep tissue lesions. The overall effect of different laser wavelength combinations can be used to obtain therapeutic efficacy in tissues of different depths. Low-power laser therapy has been widely used for the physical treatment of orthopedics, wound surgery and pain diseases such as osseous pain, muscle pain, soft tissue pain, neuralgia, and trauma pain. Naesera (2006) reviewed seven CTS cases undergoing laser therapy and found that the total laser irradiation doses in five cases where the positive effect of laser treatment was concluded were significantly higher than in those of two cases where a negative effect was concluded. However, in the five cases showing a positive effect, there were large variations from case to case regarding the laser parameters. For example, the laser wavelength in these cases was single or a combination of 830-nm, 632.8-nm, 904-nm, and 670-nm laser beams. The laser energy density, time duration of each laser action, and the time interval between laser actions also differed for different cases. Does a higher laser power or a higher laser energy density always lead to a positive result of laser therapy for CTS? The answer is no. In recent studies using a combination of 1,064 nm + 830-nm double wavelength laser beams, the authors claimed that an obvious curative effect was achieved because the long-wavelength laser beam penetrated deeper and scattered less.
Many clinical trials have tested the effectiveness of Low Level Laser in reducing the pain and tingling in the hands and wrists associated with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The results have been good and support the use of Low Level Laser, which can negate the need for surgery, especially if applied within early stages of the syndrome and in less acute cases.
Low Level Laser Therapy for carpal tunnel syndrome is a good option because it has a regenerative and healing effect through the entire nerve that runs from the neck and shoulder, through the elbow and into the wrist. The treatment is non-invasive and by its very nature, cold laser does not create a thermal response in the tissue. Rather, it reduces inflammation and encourages new tissue to grow. Low Level Laser creates an increased production of ATP, energy created within the mitochondria at a cellular level, therefore promoting a rapid increase in nerve repair.
A Low Level Laser treatment is worth trying before opting for more invasive solutions such as surgery. Low Level Laser does not create a thermal reaction within the tissue, rather it reduces inflammation by freeing up areas of congestion and enabling a healing response. Pain is often reduced, and over time we have seen Carpal Tunnel Syndrome resolve without the need for surgery.
The RED Therapy Laser has already helped a great many people recover more quickly from chronic pain conditions, and as the word spreads, more and more people are taking advantage of the treatment.
CBD is one of the many chemicals known as cannabinoids that occur naturally in the cannabis plant, which includes both hemp and marijuana. Most of the CBD available in stores and online is made from hemp, a plant that does not contain much tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the chemical in marijuana that’s responsible for making people high.
Consumers’ usage of CBD has exploded in recent years. Whereas few people had even heard of CBD a few years ago, now it is poised to become a $22 billion business by 2022, according to the Brightfield Group, an industry analyst. One reason for the growth: The latest Farm Bill finally made hemp legal in the United States, removing it from the prohibited Schedule 1 category of drugs that includes marijuana and ecstasy. And, of course, in states where medical or recreational marijuana are now legal, CBD (with or without THC) can be purchased in dispensaries.
CBD Is Already Widely Used by People With Arthritis
A survey by California researchers of nearly 2,500 respondents, published in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research in July 2018, found that chronic pain and joint pain are the top two medical conditions for which people take CBD. The next three — anxiety, depression, and insomnia — also affect many people with arthritis.
The Arthritis Foundation conducted its own online survey this past July, of 2,600 people with arthritis. The survey found that 79 percent of respondents had tried CBD or were considering using it, primarily to relieve pain, the most burdensome arthritis symptom.
Nearly 30 percent of respondents said they were currently using CBD, and three out of four of them reported getting relief. Not only had their physical function and morning stiffness improved, many said it helped them sleep or be less fatigued, or reduced symptoms of anxiety or depression.
Before trying CBD products, here are a few things you can take care of:
Always choose a CBD-only product, and take 5 – 10mg twice daily, and then gradually work your way up to the dose of 50 – 100mg per day.
Make sure you start with low doses, and that seems to work best for pain relief.
Try a CBD product with a negligible trace of THC if you don’t find a difference.
Use it only at night if you’re trying it for the first time; gradually increase the dose if necessary.
The effects of edibles usually last longer than vaping, so don’t try them until you are aware of what CBD strain and dose works for you.
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